What if you could run ads that have customers wanting to buy from you (and only you) &
make sales on autopliot every single day?

All while spending LESS in ad spend in an ever increasing competitive Facebook® & Instagram® ad market. This strategy shows you how to get started for just $10/day (and scale up!).

Click Here To Access!

Normally: $397

Sale Price: $37 

  • ​Don't have an ad ad strategy that automates attracting cold audiences that get them to fall in love with your brand

  • ​Had short term success but couldn't sustain results​

  • ​Spend a TON on ads only get a bunch of leads but no sales

  • ​Haven’t run ads at all because they feel like it’s just lighting it on fire

Most business owners are running ads the old way.

They don’t know how to use ads to attract an audience that actually buys from them easily every single day.

Instead they...

❌  Here's the problem. ❌

How would it feel to know that every day you are growing your audience, getting new leads and sales every day and continuously staying in front of your customers?

How would life feel to not be so worried about where your next sale will come from because you have an ads system working to consistently bring ideal people in that works even better over time?

Imagine running ads to people and they enjoy and appreciate it! 

Yes, it's really possible...it happens to me and clients all the time!

Click Here To Access!

You Need This Now More Than Ever

The Facebook and Instagram game has changed.

You need the right foundation built for your unique business.

In 2024 you are seeing:

Your Customers Are Smart. 

They know when they're getting an ad.

So what if you ran ads in a way that they actually thought they were finding you and they loved it?

Have Them At Hello works so well that when people see an ad from you they want more and buy quickly.

Click Here To Access!

​Knew how to automate leads and sales ads so you could spend MORE time doing what you really love


Control your ad costs and spend LESS to get more results?


​Knew the message, copy and hooks that created sales


Have a clear paid ad plan that builds a relationship + trust rapidly with cold audiences


But it's possible to:

​Had the ability to ensure quality > quantity when it comes to building your audience


The Facebook & Instagram paid ad framework that has people buying what you're selling before you even offer them something.

That's exactly what's inside:

Get Instant Access to
the training >>

What All Is Included

An insider look at

Not only do you get
 videos, you ALSO get fill in the blank

This is where you build the ad foundation that will work day in and day out to

  • Bring you new leads and customers for just a few dollars per day

  • Create sales every day

  • Have customers only want to buy from YOUR brand (regardless of competition

  • Have ads that work no matter the platform updates

Build Your Unique Ad Strategy Foundation

Module #1

This is your guide to testing your ads, audiences and offers fast and cheap. There is not need to waste a ton of money on ads that won't work.

In this section you will:​

  • Discover the right audiences for your products, offers and services for as little as $5 day

  • ​Learn how to run ads for just $5-$10 per day that create new leads and customers so you never run out of buyers (and consistently build your list

Test Your Ads + Audiences Fast (and cheaply)

Module #2

This is your guide to taking your new leads + audiences and increasing your sales daily, increasing their lifetime value and upselling them to new products, offers and sales.

In this section you will:​

  • Learn how to take your new leads and audience and convert them into sales

  • Continue to stay in front of your audience until they purchase (this is how you never have a $0 day)

  • Learn how to run ads that have customers choosing you over every other brand

How To Get More Sales Out Of Your New To You & Existing Audience

Module #3

Have you logged into the Facebook ads manager and wondered - what the heck do I do with all of this?!

We get it!

We're including everything you need to know (and what you don't need to worry about) inside our tech tutorials. Know exactly what you need to :

  • launch with your pixel
  • how to set up the ads
  • what conversions to choose for your goals

Tech Training

Program #4

Get Instant Access to the training >>

You're ready - join us inside!

The FREE Bonus Trainings
 I'm Including!

A Quick look at

Not only do you get
 videos, you ALSO get fill in the blank

In addition to the entire Have Them At Hello Framework, I’m also adding three bonuses to give you everything needed to hit the ground running with your ad creative and copy!

Whether you are brand new to ads or have run them before this makes sure all of the correct settings are in place to optimize your ads for sales.

This is the #1 thing I spend most time on with business owners in the behind the scenes of their accounts! 

Tech Set Up & Check

Bonus: The Settings You Need To know

Knowing where your best customers come from in your business is KEY to scaling with confidence.

Once you build and optimize your funnels you will begin to determine which leads in your business:

>> Buy the most from you over time (have the highest lifetime value)
>> Buy from you the fastest (how many days since entering your business)
>> Fall off in your funnels and how to optimize the leaks

Pro Ad Copy Workshop


Multiple ad copy frameworks that will fit any type of offer. Just plug in your offer and audience details in the highlighted portions and your copy is ready in minutes!


  • Long Form Self Liquidating Offer Ad Copy Frameworks
  • Short Form Ad Copy Frameworks
  • Webinar Ad Copy Frameworks
  • Retargeting Sales Ad Copy Frameworks

Ad Copy Frameworks: 
Plug And Play Templates


How to review your ad data and know which ads to keep, which to spend more money on and which to turn off. Includes our "if this, then do that that" action cheat sheet.

Benchmark & Scaling Training

Bonus: The Settings You Need To know

The Have Them At Hello Framework is one of a kind program because

it provides everything you need to launch and optimize your lead generation and sales ads. 

This program covers our proprietary foundational ad strategy we have developed over the past 8+ years in the online business space.

This means we've seen it all.

Inside the Have Them At Hello Framework we've distilled down the core foundational elements we see working time and time again.

The outcome?

The right foundation to launch and scale your ads.

Join over 4,000 business owners getting results daily starting with as little as $10/day!

​End up right where they started . . . still hustling, still struggling . . . instead of enjoying the growth and freedom that comes from automating the sales cycle.

Get discouraged by the poor ROI and conversions from their ads and maybe even give up, believing that this powerful tool “just doesn’t work” for their business.

Waste dozens or even hundreds of hours over the never several months trying to piece together an ads strategy from questionable sources . . . and waste even more time trying to fix the inevitable problems.



Here’s the truth: yes, you could keep trying to figure out
a successful ads strategy yourself.

There are plenty of free resources out there.

Toss thousands of dollars down the toilet in the name of “testing” instead of using the smart, cost-effective strategies you’ll learn as part of the ADvestors.


After spending the last seven years helping clients grow to multiple six and seven figures,

I have consistently seen and heard the same issues persist when clients first come to me.

They’re tired, burnt out and nervous when it comes to Facebook ads.

They know paid ads can be the key to automating and growing their business but frankly - they had no clue how to do it in a way that was sustainable and with integrity.

They’re tired, burnt out and nervous when it comes to Facebook ads.

They know paid ads can be the key to automating and growing their business but frankly - they had no clue how to do it in a way that was sustainable and with integrity.

I want to help you expand your impact and build a sustainable, long term, revenue generating ads strategy. You and I are united by a desire to make an impact on the people we want to serve.

fter spending the last seven years helping clients grow to multiple six and seven figures,

I have consistently seen and heard the same issues persist when clients first come to me.


Are you new around here?

I'm Jenny, founder of Have Them At Hello.


Click Here To Access!

It's not just clients that get results...
it's thousands of business owners too.

You'll get lifetime access to the program content.

How long do I get access?

The Have Them At Hello Framework is normally an investment of $197 but you can get it for $37 here.

How much does it cost?

The training is under an hour so you can focus on implementation not getting stuck in videos that are fluff. Our goal for you is that by the end of the program you will be in optimization mode this week!

What is the time commitment?

You get instant access to all modules and bonuses immediately!

>> Have Them At Hello Framework
>> Tech Tutorials
>> Video Guides
>> Ad Copy Frameworks + Templates
>> Benchmarks & Scaling Training

What do I get when I join?

It's only natural that you have questions, I have the answers!

Frequently asked questions

If you purchase and find that it's not the right fit simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase and we will send you 100% of your money back. No strings attached. We know this program has incredible value and want you to feel confident enrolling.

What's the refund policy?

Finally start automating people falling in love with your braNd today with ads.