What If You Could Create Sustainable Facebook® & Instagram® Ads That Convert From Day 1?

They don't know how to create ads that make people say "take my $$!".

  • Instead they feel like throwing in the towel on what feels like day 100 of ads "not working" (even though it's been just a few days).

  • It may have caused them to feel like they aged 30 years in a week. Kidding...sort of...

  • They know they're good at what they do but can't figure out why no one is clicking on their ads

Get For Only $297

Many online business owners want to run ads to increase sales but there's a huge problem.

I've seen it time and time again, business owners who have
invested time, energy and money into ads...
only to wonder if they are actually good at anything
let alone ads!

You've Been Staring At Ads Manager For HOURS Wondering Where To Even Start.

What audiences do I choose?

How will I know if I need to change my copy, audience, headline, creative?

How will I know when to scale?

How can I tell what to fix first when they aren't working?

These are the questions I hear consistently after reviewing thousands of ads.

I've recognized that most business owners are making the same mistakes consistently.

They are jumping into running ads before they understand how to create ads that truly speak to their ideal customers.

If You've Made It This Far You've Probably Tried To Launch Ads At Least Once...If Not Twice...Or Three Times...

You're really good at what you do and your offer can change lives, create more impact and more revenue.

This process though has made you question everything.

Is my offer even good? Do people even like me? Will anyone ever buy my product from ads?

Imagine opening ads manager equipped with proven copy and a roadmap of exactly what to say
every step of the way.

​Know how to determine when ads are working, how to quickly pivot if needed and when to scale


Have multiple headlines created in minutes that will hook your ideal customer


​Know who to target and the best audiences to choose 


Confidently write tons of compelling and high converting ad copy in minutes


How would your business be different if you could:

How would your business be different if you could:

​Know exactly where your ideal customer is at in their journey today to have dialed in ads that resonate and convert


Start getting results this week!


A resource library with a plethora of recorded training videos, guides and templates


Takes under 1 hour to watch and implement


A go at your own pace program to kickstart your business


Take My $$ Ad System is my easy-to-implement framework & templates that will teach you how to create ads that convert QUICKLY in a day.


Look no further, introducing....

Get access Now

What All Is Included

An insider look at

Not only do you get
 videos, you ALSO get fill in the blank

This targeting workshop will help you determine:

>> Low hanging audiences that can create quick wins when first launching

>> How to research your ideal customers 

>> How to set up and build your interest based, lookalike and saved audiences for your offer

Audience Targeting Quality & Selection Workshop

Module #1

In this video workshop you will learn how quickly & easily write copy that compels your ideal client

>> Learn what "angles" are and how they stop the scroll

>> How to determine "copy hooks" for your audiences

>> I break down the foundations of time tested ad copy

Ad Copy Workshop

Module #2

Just plug in your offer and audience details in the highlighted portions and you will have 20+ headline options in minutes.

These are based on tested & proven ad headline frameworks.

P.S. I created this at the high request of members of my mastermind who netted a purchase within seconds of a new headline from me!

Ad Headline Generator

Module #3

Multiple ad copy frameworks that will fit any type of offer. Just plug in your offer and audience details in the highlighted portions and your copy is ready in minutes!


Long Form Self Liquidating Offer Ad Copy Frameworks
Short Form Ad Copy Frameworks
Webinar Ad Copy Frameworks
Retargeting Sales Ad Copy Frameworks

Ad Copy Frameworks: 
Plug And Play Templates

Module #4

This is the #1 question I've gotten over the past 12 months.

How much do I need to spend when testing?!

This workshop teaches you how to determine testing budget and what the numbers in ad manager means so you know exactly when your ads are working and when to scale.

Budget, Launching & Testing Workshop

module #5

The Extras I'm Including To
Really Nail Your Ads:

A Quick look at

Not only do you get
 videos, you ALSO get fill in the blank

 In addition to the entire Take My $$ Ad System, I’m also going to throw in three bonuses to give you everything needed to hit the ground running.

The key to ad copy and offers that stop the scroll and convert is knowing exactly where your customer is in their customer journey.

This plug & play workbook (with video training) allows you to really dial in where your ideal customer is at today, wants to go tomorrow and was yesterday.

You can copy and paste answers directly into your copy frameworks and headline generator!

Customer Journey Workbook

Bonus #1

Retargeting and capturing sales page visitors that don't buy the first time can be where a ton of ROI sits.

I'll share the same strategies that are getting $9 sales for a self liquidating offer funnel with retargeting!

Retargeting Ad Workshop

Bonus #2

This cheat sheet will empower you to pin point exactly what needs to be optimized in your ad campaigns.

It can save thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend. 

Benchmarks & Bottleneck Cheat Sheet

Bonus #3

Get access to the creative, copy and strategy behind ad strategies that are successful regardless of platform changes.

Know the creative, copy and offers that work for your customers

Build and find the audiences your best customers come from.

Prove each phase for as little as $5/day.

Know the key audiences that work for your business best

By having the right ads at every level you will have new leads to your business every single day.

Then you will consistently stay in front of them until they buy - creating an everlasting pool of customers for you (never run out again).

A Facebook & Instagram ad strategy that creates new leads and sales daily




1 Payment of

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Start Creating Ads That Have People Saying "TAKE MY $$!"

Are you ready to own your Future?

After coaching thousands of business owners I found that not knowing how to run successful ads was impeding their impact on the world.

They’re tired, burnt out and nervous when it comes to Facebook ads.

They know paid ads can be the key to automating and growing their business but frankly - they had no clue how to do it in a way that was sustainable and with integrity.

I want to help you expand your impact and build a sustainable, long term, revenue generating ads strategy. You and I are united by a desire to make an impact on the people we want to serve.

fter spending the last seven years helping clients grow to multiple six and seven figures,

I have consistently seen and heard the same issues persist when clients first come to me.


Hey, I'm Jenny, founder of Have Them At Hello.

I've run SLO, live launch, evergreen and e-commerce ads for multiple 6 and 7 figure brands and it's become second nature to know how to launch, optimize and scale these.

Now I want to hand over the framework to you.

There are brilliant people with amazing offers that aren't converting because of their ads.

I'm on a mission to empower you to run ads so that you can get back to making the impact you're meant to have.

Crafting ads that convert is 100% a skill! But it's actually super learnable.

Get The Take My $$ Ads System

  • Audience Targeting Quality Workshop (Valued at $97)
  • Ad Copy Workshop (Valued at $197)
  • Ad Headline Generator (Valued at $147)
  • Ad Copy Frameworks - Plug & Play (Valued at $147)
  • Budget, Launching & Testing Workshop (Valued at $147)
  • Bonus: Customer Journey Workbook (Valued at $97)
  • Bonus: Retargeting Ad Workshop (Valued at $97)
  • Bonus: Benchmarks & Bottleneck Cheat Sheet (Valued at $147)

Total Value = $976

Today's Price = $297

Yes, I need this! >


It's not just clients that get results...it's thousands of business owners too.

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Make it happen.

Stop wasting time & ad spend. Start running ads that convert & grow your list today.